Installations by Pim van Pagée
Paintings by Roos van Pagée
Photos by Marike van Pagée

Nov 29 – Dec 4 2022

Galerie Niek Waterbolk
Schoutenstraat 10 Utrecht

Every day from11 am to 5 pm
Thursday from 11 am to 9 pm

Finissage on Dec 4 1 am to 5 am

Call Pim +31610646125, Roos +31618545976 or Marike +31641438788

April 2021, the sisters Roos and Marike van Pagée exhibited under the name tweevanpagée in the Waterbolk gallery. Exhibiting in Corona time turned out to be a bit difficult. Maximum of two visitors at the same time, face masks, caution, planning everything through a calendar, etc. You know it. But it worked! That exhibition can still be visited via this link. It went so well that they decided to hold an exhibition in 2022.

Their father Pim van Pagée also participates in this exhibition. In 2022 it will therefore be drievanpagée. We see three visual artists with three different disciplines.

As a tip of the veil, you can see an example of the work of Pim, Marike and Roos above.

Marike is a photographer and exhibits ‘fading memories’ in which forgotten people are central.

Roos paints portraits of everyday objects in her direct environment. “The poetry of material things”.

Pim responds with installations to the political and social current events of 2022.

Now the exhibition has been completed

We look back with satisfaction on an exciting week. Many visitors in six days, new and renewed acquaintances, many fascinating conversations, positive reactions, various purchases…. A successful exhibition.

Our thanks for that!

For those who want to walk through the exhibition virtually, there is this link. Click on the ‘maps’ at the bottom right of the objects for the details.

If you are interested in an object, let us know.

Pim, Roos and Marike